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Thursday, 9 June 2016

The KS1 Standardised Scores are in so What Next?

If you are a year 2 teacher you will have recently administered the new KS1 SATS. They were very different in format this year but the biggest change was the administration of the tests which was a lot more rigorous and not far removed from administering KS2 Sats which is odd as at the moment KS1 Sats tests are part ot teacher assessment and not, like KS2 based on test alone. 

But whatever  your opinion of them one good thing we can say is that they are, for this year at least, behind us and our wonderful children. 

So tests administered, papers marked and the standardised scores finally in so what next? We know which pupils in our classes have achieved the 'expected standard' we know which pupils who are 'below the expected standard' but what we don't know is which pupils are at 'working at greater depth.' Yet we have to report to our LAs what percentage of our class are at each of those standards. 

As there is no real guidance I have come up with my own plan which is based upon discussion with SLT but more importantly based upon lots of moderation with fellow professionals within our local cluster. If you think it's helpful please feel free to use it, adapt it to inform your own TAs.

Step 1: look at the top scores available for reading and math. Make a list of those who achieved the full marks available  and those up to two marks off a full marks score. I think if you go lower than that the pupils will not be working as securely within 'greater depth.'
Step 2: Using the interim framework statements for each of these pupils look for evidence that the pupil has met each of the expected standards, then move on to greater depth. As there are probably only about 10-15% of your class this shouldn't be too onerous. 

For Reading evidence - use reading journals, running records and book bands, guided reading records, comprehension answers in English books, termly test results, PIRA tests, etc. Often termly tests come with detailed coverage analysis which should help. 

For Maths evidence - mental math test scores, times tables secured, calculations books, maths books, mathletics and RM Easimaths results as well as termly assessments tests.

The guidance suggests 'secure fit' not 'best fit' so you will need to be thorough when looking for evidence. My personal time of thumb is is to err on the side of caution. 

I hope this helps and wish you all good luck in ensuring our pupils are given the most accurate assessment that truly reflects there hard work throughout the year.